• Box culvert wet cast mould which however will have a multi-purpose application.
  • Can make box culverts in various sizes and wall thicknesses also be used for making other rectangular building elements such as stairwells and elevator shafts.
  • Another remarkable feature of this mould is that it incorporates a system for height adjustment which will allow our client to produce casted elements of different heights by lifting the base ring. This way the client only has to fill up to the top of the mould in order the obtain the desired height of the casted element.
  • System for height adjustment which will allow our client to produce casted elements of different heights by lifting the base ring.
  • Allows to modulate the length and width with a maximum size of 5639mm (222”) and a maximum width of 2642mm (104”).
  • 2 bases which will allow the client to attain a production of 2 casted elements every 24 hours.
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