Tilting tables

Indicated for the manufacturing of concrete precast panels for residential, commercial and industrial building.


Moldtech tilting tables are designed to produce prefabricated concrete panels in various thicknesses for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Its tilting mechanism allows removing easier the panels in vertical with less time for concrete hardening.

This tilting mechanism consists of a set of telescopic hydraulic cylinders and its number and strength is in accordance to the size and load capacity of the table. The cylinders are activated by a hydraulic unit with electrical control panel which can either command one or more tables, depending on the project.

Tilting tables can incorporate one or more sides depending on the kind of panels to be casted.

Sides of the tilting tables

The sides of the tilting tables may be may be fixed, collapsible or adjustable in height. In addition, the movement of the collapsible and the adjustable sides can be performed mechanically or hydraulically.

Panels for industrial buildings tend to be casted with a standard size and, therefore, a table with a fixed and a collapsible side is usually used, whereas panels for residential project may vary greatly in size and shape and therefore require a more flexible solution.

The sides incorporated to the tilting tables are usually complemented by flexible shuttering systems using magnets. These shuttering systems are also used to form the panels’ window and door openings. Moldtech offers a variety of choice in shuttering systems looking for the best solution for each project.

Tilting tables can incorporate a vibration system consisting of a series of vibrators that can be electric or pneumatic.

Other option to increase the production of the tilting tables is the finned pipe system with isolation canvas for heating. This system leads hot water or steam to accelerate the concrete hardening.

In order to guarantee a smooth and shiny finish of the panel surface, Moldtech can give the casting surface of the tilting table an optimum polish creating a “mirrow like” effect.

The polishing of the contact plate of these tables ensures a perfect finish of the panel, which is the highest priority for the client.

In addition, we perform training for the operators to show the correct use of equipment in order to guarantee customer satisfaction, as is a must in each of the Moldtech projects.

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Tilting table
Tilting table
Mesa basculante
Mesa basculante
Поворотный стол

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