Turning machines 90º

Machine specially designed to turn precast box culvert and half-frames from the casting position to the final placement position on site.


The turning machine is designed to  turn 90º 3D precast concrete elements (box culverts and half-frames) , from the de-moulding position to the final position of placement on site.

This machine belongs to the  auxiliary equipment  category but fulfills an  essential  role in making certain operational tasks easier at the precast factory.

In this sense the turners can have a great impact when the casting position of the precast element is not the same as the final position the element will be placed at the job site. In the precast industry some products must be cast in an upside-down position for a variety of reasons like to obtain a better-quality finish of the casted element or because in the upside – down position the pouring process can be accomplished easier and faster.

All movements are performed by means of a  hydraulic system  composed of  telescopic cylinders  and a  hydraulic power unit .

This machine has the capacity to turn prefabricated concrete pipes and frames up to 15t. The maximum load capacity of the equipment has been designed considering the dimensions of the precast elements that our client needs to turn.


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Hydraulic turner
Turning machine
Turner for box culverts

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