Moldtech supplies a 3D MOLD – MT20 designed for the continuous manufacturing of precast concrete elements, not prestressed, with a wall thickness between 200 and 250 mm.

The 3D MOLD – MT20 consists of a set of inner and outer formwork assembled on a set of bases.

The equipment has a modular pressing frame, and a set of electric vibrators to facilitate the compaction of concrete during the manufacturing process.

The mold has the following functions:

  • Hydraulic clamps for interlocking inner and outer formwork.
  • Hydraulic system for locking the press holder and lifting the inner and outer formwork.
  • Electrical vibrators with variable frequency during filling operation.

The molds designed by Moldtech are intended to ensure that the elements produced are precise and uniform. Furthermore, the technology used in the manufacturing process not only improves precision but also facilitates more efficient and cost-effective production.

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