The product supplied by Moldtech in this project is a machine composed of two 90° turners, which, acting sequentially, allow a total turn of 180°.

The front turner has a fixed frame anchored to the ground and mobile nails that rotate 90°. The rear turner has a mobile frame with front and rear translation, and mobile nails that rotate 90°.

The turners carry out their movement using hydraulic cylinders. There are a total of 8 cylinders for turning pieces and one cylinder responsible for moving the turner with a mobile frame.

The installation requires the use of the supplied hydraulic power plant and electrical panel to carry out the turner maneuvers.

This equipment is designed to turn 3D precast concrete pieces, from the molding position to the final position of placement on site. The technology used by Moldtech in manufacturing not only increases accuracy, but also simplifies production, making it more efficient and economical.

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