
Moldtech travels to Australia once again installing its machines for precast concrete elements for a major project of railways construction.

Moldtech installs a complete production line for special section girders for bridge construction in Australia.

Our client is Western Australia’s leading supplier of precast and prestressed concrete products for the state’s major infrastructure, oil & gas and resource projects.

The equipment supplied by Moldtech includes:

Also the hydraulic casting bed is actuated by hydraulic cylinders controlled by a hydraulic power station.

Moreover, this mould set is designed to work with tensioning and relaxation equipment with a maximum tensioning capacity of 1,400 TN, already available at the client’s facilities.

To go into more details, we can tell you that the HYDRAULIC CASTING BED is also supplied together with configurable bottoms and set of sides, which are assembled together and will shape the piece to be manufactured.

Additionally, sets of covers and supplements of different dimensions and shapes are supplied, which will be installed on the mould sides depending on the geometry of the part to be manufactured.

The opening and closing of the hydraulic casting bed is carried out by means of hydraulic cylinders, actuated by a hydraulic power station and a main control cabinet.

  • One hydraulic casting bed for the manufacture of special inverted T-shaped prestressed concrete girders, still on its way to the final destination. The maximum length of 37 meters. The height of the mould from 1547 mm to 2600 mm.
  • One hydraulic casting bed for the manufacture of I-shaped prestressed concrete girders, still on its way to the final destination. The maximum length of 39 meters. The height of the mold up to 2600 mm.

With this railway megaproject, MOLDTECH once again consolidates its leadership as a manufacturer of equipment for precast elements for the construction of bridges infrastructure.

Learn more about the road construction project in Romania.


Molde de vigas
Molde hidráulico
Molde hidráulico
Molde hidráulico
Molde hidráulico
Sistema de vibración
Molde hidráulico
Molde hidráulico
Molde hidráulico
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